Speak the Way They Think!
Smart TalkTM
When you speak, do your words engage every listener? Are you able to hold people’s attention? If you answered “no” to either question, then read on.
Your ability to engage listeners can be greatly enhanced by understanding how the brain’s 4 Thinking Styles help you to speak and write the way others think – not the way you think.
Using the proven Herrmann Brain Dominance model (HBDI), your ability to identify how people think, process information, and make decisions will naturally increase your communication effectiveness and inclusivity. The Whole Brain® model empowers you to harness the diversity of thinking – in individuals, teams, and organizations.
Quadrant A Thinkers Analyze – examine facts, numbers, and problems
Quadrant B Thinkers Organize – coordinate projects, details, and tasks
Quadrant C Thinkers Personalize – connect with people and emotions
Quadrant D Thinkers Strategize – formulate concepts and plans
Thinking Styles were discovered and identified in 1978 by Ned Herrmann, a physicist and researcher who created the Herrmann Brain Dominance Instrument (HBDI) Thinking Style assessment. Ned developed the HBDI after observing and analyzing the results of thousands of MRI scans taken by test subjects. What did he see? That people’s brains respond in 4 different (but interrelated) ways when hearing or reading the same information. The HBDI identifies how your unique brain
- learns
- interprets
- solves problems
- makes decisions
- communicates
You can adapt the 4 Thinking Styles to use in the following ways:
- Written communication
- Verbal communication
- Presenting
- Marketing
- Developing online content (e.g., websites, blogs)
- Sales
- Broadcasting
Take the Herrmann Brain Dominance assessment (HBDI) and
- learn the way your brain naturally thinks and
- how to adapt your communication to reach others more successfully.
Leaders, business owners, presenters, salespeople, and marketers will benefit — both professionally and personally.
Greater ROI – “Return on Intelligence” with this powerful communication tool.
(813) 546-1133 or Email
NOTE: After completing the HBDI thinking style assessment, you will receive a complimentary coaching session that explains your results.